Party Details
There are two ways to add party details: add a party from another case or add a party manually.
Refer to Adding Party from Another Case and Adding Party Manually for the steps.
What is a Party Entity and Party Type?
Party Entity refers to the person, unit or organization that is involved in the case being filed. The user may select from the following Party Entity options:
Demise Charterer
Government Department
Limited Liability Partnership
Natural Person
Sole Proprietorship
Statutory Board
Party Type is the role the party entity plays in the case. The user may select from the following Party Type options:
Plaintiff in Counterclaim
Defendant in Counterclaim
Plaintiff in Issue
Defendant in Issue
Third Party in Counterclaim
What is a Grant of Aid and Provisional Grant of Aid?
A Grant of Aid (also known as Legal Aid Certificate) is issued by the Legal Aid Bureau to anyone who is involved in a legal dispute. The Legal Aid Bureau acts and files the case on behalf of the legally aided person. This Grant of Aid even extends to a waiver of Court fees in any Court proceedings as well as representation in Court hearings.
A Provisional Grant of Aid (also known as Emergency Certificate) is a provisional aid that is pending the Legal Aid Bureau's consideration and issuance of the Grant of Aid. The Provisional Grant of Aid is valid for at least six (6) weeks to a maximum of three (3) months or until it is cancelled or a Grant of Aid has been finally issued. It may be issued before or after a case has started.
It should be noted that the Provisional Grant of Aid is granted only a party involved in a case, and not to the case as a whole.
The Grant of Aid field is displayed on the Grant of Aid and Capacity Details page.
Capacity Information refers to the party information of the entity who is acting in capacity or on behalf of the main applicant of the case. When filing a case, the user may choose the entity who will act in capacity of the main applicant:
Committee of Estate and/or Person of
Demise Charterer
Guardian in Adoption
Guardian of Minor
Judicial Manager
Litigation Representative of Minor
Parent of Minor
Personal Representative
Provisional Liquidator
Vessel and Cargo
Depending on the case file, the Add Document option is enabled on the Step 2: Form Page.
Refer to Adding Documents for a detailed description and the steps.
Depending on the case file, the Delete Document option is enabled on the Step 2: Form Page.
Refer to Deleting Documents for a detailed description and the steps.
Click Compose to load the corresponding form that can be edited or filled-out by the user. Click Save once editing is done to the form.
Refer to the Compose topic for a more detailed description.
Affidavits and other supporting documents may be uploaded and saved to the case file. To do this, click the Upload link.
Only documents in Portable Document Format or PDF can be uploaded and added to the Form Name and Description list in the Step 2: Form Page. |
Refer to the Upload topic for a more detailed description and the steps.
Sending a document is the same as submitting a document to a case file. It also follows the 4-step process.
Refer to Filing a Subsequent Document for the steps.
How do I search for and view a document?
Users can search for and view case documents through the Document Information tab in the Case File module.
Refer to the Case File and Document Information topics for more information.
Court replies are automatically received and displayed on the Inbox tab on the eLitigation Main Page.
eLitigation Main Page - Inbox tab
Refer to the Receiving Files topic for a detailed description on how to receive files.
Court replies sent to the user can be printed for record or filing purposes.
Refer to the Printing Replies topic for a detailed description of how to print replies.
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