Hearing Details
How do I fill out the Hearing Details?
This section is found on the Step 3: Admin Details Page. The Hearing Details section allows the user to specify their preferred hearing date and indicate any special request pertaining to the hearing.
Hearing Details
By default, the Hearing Details special request section is marked as No. This means the user does not have any request pertaining to the hearing of the case. Marking Yes will display a special request text box. Enter the details of the Special Request in the field provided.
Hearing Details - Special Request field
In some cases, the user can make requests pertaining to the schedule of the case hearing. Select the preferred hearing date from the dropdown list. These requests will be part of the document for filing.
Hearing Details section - Preferred Hearing Date
How do I select Urgent Processing?
The Urgent Processing section is found on the Step 3: Admin Details Page. This section allows the user to request for urgent handling of the documents to be filed. Urgent documents will be placed at the head of the queue for transmission and inserted at the top of the Inbox or Common tab for processing. An urgent fee will be charged for every document that is listed in the Fee Details section. By default, the urgent processing indicator is marked as No. Simply select Yes if the user wants urgent processing of his/her documents.
Urgent Processing
How do I request for a Backdate?
This section is found on the Step 3: Admin Details Page. It allows the user to request a backdate for the filing of documents. Upon approval, the case document involved will show the requested backdate details in the Filing Date and Time.
Enter the Backdate Date and Time and the Reason for Backdating.
Request to Backdate
The eService section is displayed on the Step 3: Admin Details Page. This section allows the user to select the Law Firms involved in the case for File and Serve.
Refer to the eService topic for a more detailed description and the steps.
How do I view billing details?
Billing details can be viewed through the Fees Payable section on the Step 3: Admin Details Page.
Fees Payable
The Fees Payable section shows the details of the fees incurred after filing a case. This is also where the user can request for a Partial or Full exemption or waiver from the filing fees incurred.
This section shows the breakdown of the fees the user has to pay. The total cost is automatically computed by the system based on the number of documents that are prepared and attached as well as the number of recipients.
Refer to the Fees Payable topic for a more detailed description.
What are Administrative Amendments? How do I file them?
Administrative Amendments (Basket 1) are permissible amendments that can be done to the case file anytime by the Law Firm representing the party, without the need for additional Court Orders, Supporting Documents or Court Approval. The following details are Basket 1 amendments:
Fax country and area code
Fax number
Telephone country and area code
Telephone number
Mobile country code
Mobile number
Email address
This type of amendment does NOT require any Court Order, Supporting Documents or Court Approval. The changes in the Front End case file will be synchronized to the Back End system where the process is transparent to the Front End and Court users. Any amendment in this category is free of charge.
Refer to the Administrative Amendment (Basket 1) topic for a more detailed description.
What are Court Approval Amendments? How do I file them?
Court Approval Amendments (Basket 2) refer to the amendment process where the user provides supporting documents to effect the change, for example change of gender or address.
For other scenarios, a Court order is required to justify the amendment (i.e. change of Party Name). Once the change has been propagated, the system will send an eLitigation notification to all Law Firms representing the parties involved in that particular case.
Refer to the Court Approval Amendment (Basket 2) topic for a detailed description of how to file a court approval amendment.
What are Document Amendments? How do I file them?
Document Amendment applies to the accepted documents that have been added to the case when it was filed. This type of amendment can be initiated from the Documents Tab of a case file. It can also be initiated when filing a document and then selecting Filing an amendment to a document saved in the case option.
Refer to the Document Amendment (Basket 3) topic for a detailed description of how to file a document amendment.
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