Other eLitigation Functions
What is Collaboration? How do I perform collaboration?
The Collaboration function enables Lawyers and Clients to share or exchange files, and to collaborate using the eLitigation portal. It provides Lawyers with a feature to share documents from their case file with their Clients or with other Counsel.
Client is used to refer to the additional person given access to the Collaboration folder. Such person can include witnesses, experts and other persons that the Law Firm grants access to.
Clients can be invited by the collaborator through email. This will eventually direct the user to the Client View. While the word 'Client' is used to refer to the additional person who is given access to the Collaboration folder, the reference can also include witnesses, experts and other persons that the Law Firm grants access to.
Refer to the Collaborate from Case File topic for a detailed description of how to collaborate from case file.
How do I create a bundle of documents?
Bundling allows a Law Firm User to select from the different types of bundles below:
Bundle of Authorities
Bundle of Documents
Bundle of Pleadings
Exhibits to Affidavits
List of Documents
Set Down Bundle
Refer to the Bundling topic for a detailed description of how to bundle documents.
The Pack & Go feature allows a Law Firm User to pack the complete case or selected documents into a single PDF file, which can be downloaded and copied for easy offline reference.
Refer to the Pack & Go topic for a detailed description of how to create a Pack & Go.
Law Firm Users can file a request for the following information relating to a specific case file:
File Inspection/Copies
Hearing and Filing Fees
Request to Extract Grant
Request to Extract Memorandum of Resealing
There are two modes of entry for this request. The first mode is through the Quick Access >> Make a Request option in the portal. The second mode is by accessing the specific existing case to select the document and then clicking Make a request for the documents selected.
Filing a Request follows the 4-Step Process.
Refer to the Filing a Request topic for a detailed description of how to file a request.
What is Calendaring? What do I use it for? How do I use it?
The Calendaring module allows a Law Firm User to view a range of available hearing dates and times within defined business rules, such as the minimum or maximum interval between the filing and hearing dates that may be stipulated by legislation, the Courts' practices and default timelines.
To facilitate electronic calendaring/scheduling, eLitigation shall allow the Courts to define business rules which are in accordance to the Courts' timelines for case disposal. The timelines for each case can be determined by:
The courts' availability;
The applicable Rules of Court and other legislative requirements; and
The applicable case disposal timelines.
Depending on the type of case applications or hearings, the Calendaring module recommends a hearing date and allows Lawyers to confirm that choice, or to choose an alternative hearing date and time within the timelines defined by the Courts. |
Refer to the Calendaring topic for a detailed description of how to perform calendaring.
The user can generate regular or ad hoc financial reports using the eLitigation system. These financial reports are comprised of the fees paid for by the Law Firm and/or its lawyers. The user can specify the criteria or scope of these reports (e.g. date range, data required or type of transactions). The resulting reports may be viewed, saved or printed. Batch reports (with a pre-determined scope) are automatically generated and stored at pre-determined regular intervals. These may be recalled and viewed or printed at any time.
Refer to the Reports topic for a detailed description on how to generate reports.
How do I generate a Tax Invoice?
To generate a Tax Invoice report:
Open the Report Selection page.
(Main Menu >> Report)
Select Tax Invoice. The Tax Invoice page is displayed.
Enter information on the fields provided.
Click Generate Report. The report information of the indicated case is displayed.
How do I perform a Cause Book Search?
Cause Book Search allows Law Firm users to search the electronic cause books or registers maintained by the Judiciary. Cause books are publicly available information that are related to cases filed in the Courts. These were traditionally made available in hard copy bound books, and a search could be made at the Registry.
There are two ways of accessing the Cause book Search page:
The first one is through the Quick Cause Book Search menu located at the right side panel of the eLitigation Homepage. This method is applicable to public users or users who are not logged into the system.
Public Portal Cause Book Search Access
The second way to access the Cause Book Search menu is by clicking Cause Book Search on the sidebar menu on the eLitigation Main Menu page. This process can be done by Lawyers and Filing Clerks.
Left Menu Panel Cause book Search
Refer to the Cause Book Search topic for a detailed description.
Next: Specific Filing Questions
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