Document Amendment (Basket 3)

Document amendment applies to the accepted documents that have been added to the case when it was filed. This type of amendment can be initiated from the Document Tab of a Case File. It can also be initiated when filing a document, then selecting Filing an amendment to a document saved in the case option.


To amend a document:

  1. Search for a case file saved in the system.


Amend Document - Case Information Page


  1. Click the Documents tab to view a list of the accepted documents of the case.


Documents Tab


  1. Mark the checkbox of the document to be amended and then click Amend.  The Step 1: Case Information Page will be displayed.


Step 1: Case Information Page



Document Amendment can also be accessed through Quick Access >> File a Document.

Search for the case and in the Document Details section and select Filing an amendment of a document that already exists in the case file. A list of documents to be amended will be displayed.



Select the document to amend and then click Next.



Continue: Document Amendment (Basket 3)