Writ of Divorce Case - Step 2: Form

The Step 2: Form Page contains a list of relevant case forms and documents based on the answers and other information provided in the Step 1: Case Information Page of the selected case.


Step 2: Form Page



Writ of Divorce Documents


Form Name

File Type


Writ for Divorce



Statement of Claim


User will be asked to fill out the Statement of Claim if the selected Nature of Case is not a Writ for Rescission of Judgment of Judicial Separation.

Statement of Claim for the Rescission of Judgment of Judicial Separation


This eForm is used only if Nature of Case is Writ for Rescission of Judgment of Judicial Separation.

Statement of Particulars


The Marriage Certificate is annexed to the Statement of Particulars.

Memorandum of Appearance


This eForm is auto-generated by the system.

Acknowledgement of Service


This eForm is auto-generated by the system.

Parenting Plan (if children are below 21 years of age)


Parenting Plan is default to Yes if Child/Children Details show that the age of a child is below 21 years. Otherwise, the user can select to provide the Parenting Plan.

Matrimonial Property Plan (if the parties have an HDB property)


If the user selects Yes to having an HDB property, the Matrimonial Property Plan (MPP) in PDF should be uploaded.

If the user selects No, the user needs to file a letter from the Housing Development Board (HDB) to upload.

Consent for IJ (if there is a 3-year separation)


This document is mandatory if the ground for divorce is a 3-year separation.



  1. Depending on the type of form listed on the page, click on the applicable action link to perform the necessary function for the form.  The user may compose, download, upload or preview the documents.



Refer to the Step 2: Form topic for more details.



Continue: Writ of Divorce Case - Step 3: Admin Details