Writ of Divorce Case - Step 3: Admin Details

The Step 3: Admin Details Page allows the user to update the Hearing Details, indicate urgency, request to Backdate, eServe and request an Exemption or Waiver of Fees.


Step 3: Admin Details Page


  1. The Step 3: Admin Details Page is divided into different sections as listed below.  Enter the required information in the fields provided for each section.



For Divorce Cases, hearings may be set down within two weeks from the close of pleadings, which is usually six to seven weeks from the filing of the Writ.

The case may be set down on an uncontested or contested basis. When the case is set down on an uncontested basis, the parties must specify whether they want the case to be heard in chambers or in open Court.  In such case, there is no immediate hearing information applicable for Writ of Divorce cases.



Refer to Step 3: Admin Details for more details.


Continue: Writ of Divorce Case - Step 4: Submission