Request for Inspection

The Request for Inspection module allows the user (who is not an eLitigation subscriber) to request for a case file inspection. The Request for Inspection page provides a text box for the user to enter a case number to initiate a search.


To request for an inspection:

  1. Go to the Request for Inspection page.

(Menu >> Cause Book Search >> Request for Inspection tab)


Request for Inspection Page


  1. Enter the Case No in the field provided, and then click Next.  The Step 1: Case Information Page will be displayed.


Step 1: Case Information Page - Request for Inspection


  1. Select Request for Inspection of Case File as the Document Title.  Upon selection, the List of Parties and Questionnaire sections will be displayed.


Step 1: Case Information Page - List of Parties and Questionnaire Sections


  1. In the Questionnaire section, select the Yes button to request an inspection of the entire case file.  Then, click Next.  The Step 2: Form Page will be displayed.


Step 2: Form Page



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