1. Click Next. The Step 2: Payment Page will be displayed. This page shows the corresponding charge to the search done by the user.  It also shows a Due Diligence Disclaimer.


Step 2: Payment Page


  1. Enter the File Ref No in the field provided, if necessary.


  1. Click Next. The Step 3: Results Page will be displayed with a confirmation message that the search has been successfully completed.


Step 3: Results Page - Confirmation Message


  1. Click the Download Report link.  A File Download window will be displayed.


File Download Window


  1. Click Open to view the report on the Cause Book search, or Save to save a copy in the computer.



After the user has performed a Cause Book search, he/she can link the Due Diligence to a case file.  Refer to Linking Due Diligence to Case File for the steps.


Alternatively, the user can also click New Search to perform a new Cause Book search.




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