About Service Bureau

About Service Bureau


The LawNet Service Bureaux,now known as Service Bureau was set up in 1994 to provide a range of support services to enable less technology-savvy citizens to gain easy access to publicly available information and transact with the government agencies more efficiently. Designed to provide full-fledged bureaux services, the centres are equipped with established infrastructure, audited processes and workflows. A team of well-trained staff with unique domain expertise is readily available to render reliable and effective customer support.

Support Services for the Legal Community Service Bureau support services were extended to the legal community after CrimsonLogic was appointed to operate the Electronic Filing System (EFS) and LawNet services in 1997 and 1992 respectively.

Conveniently located, State Courts and Supreme Court Service Bureaux offer small firms an opportunity to access the e-services offered by the Supreme Court Singapore, State Courts of Singapore and Singapore Academy of Law, without subscribing to them.

For a reasonable fee, litigants-in-person can tap on the expertise of the service bureaux to file the requisite documents to the Courts to commence an action.

A range of over-the-counter electronic and transactional services are available to the legal community:

PSS-INLIS - land and property related searches Public Search Service - Integrated Land Information Services (PSS-INLIS) provides basic land-related information on owners, properties, encumbrances, instruments and caveats registered in the official land titles registration system.

InteReq - legal requisitions to government agencies Integrated Legal Requisition System (InteReq) speeds up the processing of conveyancing transactions in the legal sector by enabling the prompt transmission of legal requisitions to government agencies and receipt of replies electronically.

Due Diligence/Cause Book Search - online litigation searches The Due Diligence/Cause Book Search module offers an integrated service that allows searching litigation data across multiple databases of the Supreme Court and State Courts of Singapore.

BizNet - retrieval of company, business and people profile information BizNet searches the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) databases for company and financial information on businesses and individuals.

eLitigation - electronic filing and extraction services for the Supreme Court and State Courts Leveraging on the experience gained from the implementation of the Electronic Filing System (EFS), eLitigation is a new and improved platform for law firms to file and serve court documents electronically in an efficient and cost-effective manner.