Previewing/Printing Case Information or Documents

The user can preview and/or print the case information or the attached documents by clicking Case Information Details or Case Documents links.  A new window will be opened to display the case information or document.


Case Document Window


Clicking image11.gif will immediately print the page.  By default, the page will be printed with headers and footers.


To remove the headers and footers, the user can select Print Preview from the Print dropdown list image13.gif.  The Print Preview window will be displayed.


Print Preview Window - With Headers and Footers


Click image14.gif to hide the headers and footers.  The Turn Headers and Footers On or Off icon is located on the Print Preview Menu Bar.


Turn Headers and Footers On or Off Icon


The document preview will not show the headers and footers anymore.  Click image11.gif to continue printing the page.



Next: Case File (Case Information Repository)