Contact and Address Information

  1. In the Contact Information section, select the button that indicates the type of contact information.  The user can either select  Local Contact or Foreign Contact.  Contact fields may vary depending on the selected type of contact information.


Contact Information - Local Contact


Contact Information - Foreign Contact


  1. Enter the party's contact information.


  1. In the Add Address Details section, select the Address Entry Format from the dropdown list and then enter the address details in the fields provided.


Add Address Details section - Local Address


Add Address Details Section - Foreign Address


  1. Click Save.  The address is now listed on the Address list.


Address List



To add another address, click Add and then fill out the necessary fields.

To delete an address from the list, mark the corresponding checkbox and then click Delete.

If there are two or more addresses on the list, select the button that indicates which address is the party's Mailing address.





Next: Representative Information