CWU Case - Step 1: Case Information

The Step 1: Case Information Page allows the user to enter all of the pertinent information about the case.


To commence a Corporate Entity Winding Up Application case:

  1. Go to the Step 1: Case Information Page.

(Quick Access >> Commence a New Case)


  1. Indicate whether the user is re-filing a document that has been rejected by the Court.  Mark the NO radio button as this is a new case file.



If Yes is selected, the system will display a list of rejected documents pertaining to the case file.  The user must select a rejected document from the list to continue.


  1. Select from the dropdown list the Case Type to file. Select Corporate Entity Winding Up Application.  After selecting a Case Type, the rest of the sections on the page are displayed.



  1. Enter the File Reference No if available. The reference number entered will be the reference of the law firms in subsequent filing process, if necessary.



The File Reference Number is an optional field and can be left blank.


Party Information

  1. In the List of Parties section, click Add Party From Another Case to add a party from an existing case, or click Add Party Manually to enter the party’s information.


List of Parties Section



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