
Law Firm users can file a caveat to cases saved in the eLitigation system. A caveat is the name of a notice given by a party having an interest, to some officer, not to do an act, until the party giving the notice has been heard.


The user is allowed to file any of the following caveats:


Each type of caveat has its specific set of search criteria. One caveat can have many linked cases and one main case can have many caveats.


There are two modes of entry for this request. The first mode is through the Quick Access >> Caveat option in the portal. The second mode is by selecting Caveat from the Case Type dropdown list through the Filing >> Commence a New Case option.  The Step 1: Case Information Page for Caveat will be displayed.


Step 1: Case Information Page - Caveat


Continue: Caveat - Step 1: Case Information