
Selecting Yes will display the following validation message:




Dependent/Student/Social Pass Expiry Date

If the infant has a Dependent/Student/Social Pass, enter the expiry date of the pass or click the calendar icon to pick the date.


Infant is entitled to any property?

Select Yes or No.


If Yes is selected, a Description of Property field will be displayed for the user to enter information about the property entitled to the infant.


Singapore Address Information

Enter the address where the infant resides.


Proposed Guardian In Adoption

Enter the name or designation of the person who is proposed to be the infant’s Guardian in Adoption.  The Director of Social Welfare is entered, by default.



Other Information

The Other Information section asks the user further details about the infant, particularly about his/her natural or previously adoptive parents as well as the adopting party or parties.  The user can also specify in this section who has the actual custody of the infant and if there is any consent or payment required for the adoption of the infant.


Other Information


  1. Indicate if the infant has been the subject of an application for an Adoption Order. Select Yes or No.


Upon selecting Yes, additional fields will be displayed for the user to enter the Case No and Case Status of the Adoption Order the infant has been involved with.


Has the infant been the subject of an application for an Adoption Order?


  1. Indicate if the infant been the subject of an Adoption Order.  Select Yes or No.


Upon selecting Yes, additional fields will be displayed for the user to enter the Case No, Order Date and Terms of Order.


Has the infant been the subject of an Adoption Order?


  1. Indicate if the information of the infant’s natural parents/previous adoptive parents are available.  Yes is selected, by default.


Click Add to enter information about the infant’s natural or previous adoptive parents.  The Add Natural/Previously Adoptive Parent window will be displayed.


Add Natural/Previously Adoptive Parent Window


Enter information in the fields provided, and then click Save.  The natural/previously adoptive parent’s details will be listed on the Natural/Previously Adoptive Parent list.


Natural/Previously Adoptive Parent List



Continue: Adoption Case - Step 1: Case Information