1. Update the information found on the Step 1: Case Information Page if necessary. Once done, click Next. The Step 2: Form Page will be displayed.


Step 2: Form Page


  1. Click the link under the Actions column to perform the necessary action for the eForm or document.  



Refer to the Step 2: Form topic for more information about the functions that can be performed in the Step 2: Form Page.



The Next button will only be enabled once the necessary documents are composed/uploaded.


  1. Once done, click Next. The Step 3: Admin Details Page will be displayed.


Step 3: Admin Details Page



Refer to the Step 3: Admin Details topic for more information about the functions that can be performed in the Step 3: Admin Details Page.


  1. Click Next. The Step 4: Submission Page is displayed. This page shows the different information added in the case. Click the respective links to view the details.


Step 4: Submission Page


  1. Click Submit. A message stating that the submission is successful will be displayed.


Document Amendment Confirmation Message



After the amended document has been approved and a reply sent to the Law Firm’s Inbox, the user may view the document information in the case file.  The Amendment History of the document is displayed.




Next: ePreparation