The User Access Table below shows the different modules that a Law Firm User can access.
eLitigation User Access Table
They Law Firm User may have any of the following user role as assigned by the Law Firm Administrator:
Finance Administrator
Manages the fees and tax invoice report of the cases the Law Firm is involved in
Law Firm Administrator
Has access and can perform all of the functions as indicated on the eLitigation User Access Table
Filing Clerk
Has a centralised Inbox of all cases and documents of the Law Firm
Lawyer and Paralegal
Has an Inbox that will only contain items from the cases they are involved in
The Lawyer, Filing Clerk and Paralegal can access the same modules in eLitigation, while the Financial Manager can only access Home, Reports and Notification Preferences.
The Law Firm Administrator can access and perform all of the functions as seen on the eLitigation User Access Table.