Power of Attorney

Law Firm users can file Powers of Attorney for an existing case.  Powers of Attorney are formal documents through which a person (donor) grants powers to another (donee) to carry out certain functions on his/her behalf. They are deposited or submitted to the High Court.


Once submitted, the Power of Attorney will go through two rounds of checking:

  1. Manual checking of attached PDFs to ensure that the documents are in order; and

  2. Physical copy checking will be produced to match with the attachments


Other documents that may be filed into Power of Attorney cases are Deeds of Substitution, Revocation and Rectification.  Sometimes Supplemental Deeds are filled.  This is done by filling in an eForm, stating that substitution, revocation or rectification has occurred, and attaching one or more PDF attachments as evidence thereof.


Continue: Power of Attorney Case - Step 1: Case Information